Swim Lessons

Swim Lessons are available June-August. Swim Lesson Registation is NOW OPEN. Please see the front desk to sign-up!

*2025 Swim Lesson Regristration Form

*Swim Lesson Level Information

*Remind System: Swim Lesson Updates


Splash Pads

April 1st through October 31st

Open 7 days a week from 9:00am-9:00pm

Central Splash Pad

North Park Splash Pad

Pool Locations

Lakeside Trails

Swim at your own risk - no lifeguard on duty!

Fairfield Athletic Club

Garden Grove

Swim at your own risk - no lifeguard on duty!

Bradford Creek

Inwood Park

Central Park

All community pools and splash pads are maintained and managed by FirstService Residential with the exception of Inwood Park. Inwood Park is maintained and managed by Crest Management. For information regarding pool or clubhouse rental please call FirstService Residential at (713) 332-4761.

If you would like to rent the FAC pool please call (281) 373-0834.